Easter Table Decorations

My theme for the table was inspired by a woodland spring and I used the wood stumps and wood chargers I had made last year for the foundation of the table. I found some ferns in the yard that I used for texture and color, and bought some moss and little bird nests that I scattered along the table. I put some pansies in little glass dishes, and used daffodils to add a pop of bright color. I used the glass domes to create some height and tucked little flowers I bought from the craft store for additional bits of color scattered throughout the table. I printed some antique Easter cards and put them at each place setting and put a daffodil over the plate for more color.

Easter 001Easter 006The centerpiece was based on a tray which can be anything – wire, wicker, wood etc. and I lined it with a piece of sod that I bought at Home Depot. Cut some flowering branches and stick them in the sod and hang mini ornaments on the branches.  Place a few chocolate bunnies and some Easter candy under the branch.  I used gerbers and daffodils and put them in little vases and scattered them around the centerpiece. I found some beautiful foiled wrapped chocolate eggs and put those around in egg cups and on the table.

For this Easter -Spring table I used long strands of ribbon and wove them down the center of the table.  I put pansies in white ceramic pots (so I could plant them in the garden after the dinner party) and put ranunculus in little vases and scattered them down the center.  I have some pretty hand painted eggs and little silk birds in nests that I scattered around.

I bought some wheat grass at the grocery store and put it in little votive holders and stuck silk butterflies on wires in them.  I put a little Easter grass and placed some hand painted eggs around the table and used a decorative Easter tree and bunny for the centerpiece of the table and put some little ceramic bunnies and chicks around.

Easter 2012 023I put wheat grass in white ceramic pots and put peeps on skewers and stuck them in the wheat grass.  I picked up little paper baskets at the dollar store and put some Easter grass and jelly beans at each place setting.  I used little vases and put daffodils and ranunculus in them and scattered them down the table.  I tied ribbons around the napkins for a punch of color.


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